Thursday, November 25, 2021

Maths Algebra solvemoji

 Here is my solvemoji/algebra. I still found it hard so you might find some things with no answer.! I hope that this might make it more easy to do algebra and solvemoji. I think that I still need to stick with easy algebra and stuff like maths that is a little hard for me now.

Maths Multiplication grid

Here is my maths for the multiplication grid. If you need help with times tables up to 12 then here is your help! You can use this as examples, help with your work and you can show/teach others their times tables.


Friday, November 19, 2021

Reading slides

 Here are my reading slides on different strategies for reading. I hope you might find it easier to write and do reading related things with these slides.  

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Maths slides

Here are my slides for my maths symmetry pictures. I hope you like my choices for the second one witch I had to pick. The first one was set and I did the right hand side one.
We have been learning to make shapes and line them up with symmetry and use specific shapes to make specific things. If you had to do symmetry what shapes, lines, drawings and more would you use? Would you use colours to make your symmetry or something else? Would you draw to make symmetry? Well here are some online ideas with shapes. Maybe you can get some ideas.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Five getting big not so small anymore. . . DUCKLINGS!

 Hi guys! Today for this blog I am talking about the five big ducklings! Well this is sad but there used to be 7 but now there are only 5.  I expect that most of the predators would come out at night a take/kill/eat one of the ducklings like the pukeko here is a picture of one with A TINY DUCKLING IN IT'S BEAK!

The pukeko holds the ducklings in their beak by the ducklings neck! It is so sad! I cried because 3 PUKEKOS TOOK 3 DUCKLINGS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I hate pukekos so much!

I just want to let you guys know how much pukekos are aggressive and don't care about the tiny and any other smallish size of DUCKLINGS! Any way back to the topic, The five ducklings have now gotten their big duck feathers and almost look like their mum! They are getting so big! If only all of you guys reading this would be able to see them! 
Here are some tips on how to become a duck/duckling friend!=

Feed them enough so that they visit you more often. Make sure that you don't hurt them. Approach them slowly and quietly while crouching a tiny bit so that your knees are bent and your back is facing upwards. Put one hand out and say "its ok we or I won't hurt you and your ducklings" Then make sure to give them some space when they need it and also give them water. Try and protect them from pukekos and daddy ducks when you are able to. Once you become good friends you can't let them come close to you and let them eat out of your hand and DON'T FORGET THEIR MOTHER!!!

How to adopt a duckling= You scoop it up with your two hands and try and make sure your hands stay still and give the duckling a little hole for its head and neck, not to tight and not to loose so that is can't escape. Put it somewhere safe where predators can't get it like pets and other birds and animals. Try and feed it healthy things like= soggy oats, chopped into tiny pieces of carrot, capsicum and grapes. Don't forget to let it run, swim, eat and drink! Also give it baths to make it nice and clean. And make sure to keep it safe especially if you have a cat or a dog! 

My writing jamboard

Here is my jamboard based on a time when I was respectful during school time. I got a little cattchy rythym tiype thing on my sticky notes.