Thursday, November 18, 2021

Maths slides

Here are my slides for my maths symmetry pictures. I hope you like my choices for the second one witch I had to pick. The first one was set and I did the right hand side one.
We have been learning to make shapes and line them up with symmetry and use specific shapes to make specific things. If you had to do symmetry what shapes, lines, drawings and more would you use? Would you use colours to make your symmetry or something else? Would you draw to make symmetry? Well here are some online ideas with shapes. Maybe you can get some ideas.


  1. Hi Marejke I really like this slide my fav would probably be the second one . 🤩🤗 . I would use like maybe purple , pink and blue as they are my top three fav colours then I'd probably use simalier and the same shapes and make differnet patterns . Bye

  2. Cool! As you can tell #3 is like when "Jesus" was born/Christmas!
