Monday, September 20, 2021

Lego friends stop-motion movie

 term 3 week 9   20.9.21

                          Lego Friends Stop-Motion Movie

Here is my stop-motion!

 We are learning to do stop-motion using what we can find, use and build. I hope you enjoy watching it like how I enjoyed making it!!!!!!!

Here is my story board hope you like it!

Sorry if you can't really read it. It was on a small text size! P.S. there are lots of Mias so that is why it is like---Mias!

I didn't add any pictures because I couldn't really and I didn't have any to add.



    Ni hao (Hello) Marejke

    Wow! That was fantastic to watch! It must of taken you a long time to set up and even longer time to keep changing all the different parts and taking the photo shots. I noticed you also included what your task was.

    Awesome job Marejke. I look forward to seeing your next blog.

    Zhanshi zaijian (Bye for now)
    Mrs A

  2. Kia ora Marejke. Awesome effort. This will be great for the Ako Hiko Animated Film Festival next term. It takes so long to make a short film right? And it's tricky to not get your hands in the shots. Did you come up with a way to communicate about when you were taking the pictures? Maybe a next step could be adding a voice over?

  3. This is so cool!! Well done Marejke! How long did it take you to put this all together? I personally have not created a stop motion film before, but i'm feeling pretty inspired after watching yours!
    Maybe you can add a voice-over next time, and have a bit of a story with it?

  4. Kia ora Marejke,

    It must have taken a lot of patience to do this. Well done for your resilience.

    Phil and Ms Key have great ideas. I wonder if you can do an entry for the Animated Film Festival?

    Looking forward to the next blog post,
    Miss Laxa

  5. Hi Marejke. I like how you did your stop motion, it would of taken a very long time.

  6. Hi Marejke,
    I think it is a great idea to use lego for your stop motion animation!I really like lego friends do you? If you do who is your favourite character?

  7. My favourite character is Mia.

  8. Hi Marejke I really like your Lego video it's sssooo cool you have a lot of fun Lego , did you have fun making it ?? also are all the things in the video made out of Lego , what is the story of the video ??🤩bye 🤗
