Wednesday, September 1, 2021

My Achievements

 term 3   week 5     27.8.21

                               My Achievements 

My achievements are becoming more confident, I now have 22 blog posts and I am getting lots of work done. 

I am becoming more confident and I am feeling more comfortable talking in front of a big group or a class. I am able to say or do something in the amount of time in my liking in front of a large group or class. 

I have achieved getting to 22 blog posts and all are posted none are drafts. All of my blog posts are relevant to school work or a task I have done for school. It is hard work but it gets done in the end.

I am getting lots of work done during lockdown and that shows very good progression and means I am getting more done than expected to. It takes time to finish all my work but by the end of the day I am finished my tasks and all the other things I needed to do. Then I am prepared and able for the next day.

We are learning to work independently and staying focused to achieve our goals and finish all our work then as a reward we play games but because we are in lockdown we have to do everything online. We can't play any games or go outside and find like leaves for an activity that we do at school because we are not aloud to go to school.

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