Monday, June 14, 2021

Chop Suey

 14.6.21 Week 7 - Monday 14th June


On Thursday we had a cooking experience with one of my friends' dad. We made chop suey. Chop Suey is made out of chicken, noodles, soy sauces, frozen veggies, onion, garlic,rice time, oregeno and spinach. Also some other sauce as well. The sauces were oyster sauce, ABC sauce, sesame sauce, and a dark black soy sauce with a not so dark sauce.
It was so delicious that I wanted to keep eating it! I also really wanted to have seconds and seconds and so on and so on . . .  (ect):)
It took about more than 1 hour and a half. I had to mix it, smell it, feel the noodles, feel the rice and eat the food but wait this was my experience on how long it took. . . 
It took about more than 1 hour and a half. I had to mix it, smell it, feel the noodles, feel the rice and eat the food but this didn’t take like 5 mins like it felt it did because we were all having fun. This was a day to remember for a lifetime because it was a fun time. After that I even wanted the recipe for chop Seuy, but I decided that I wouldn’t get it. Then we did a quiz and we all had to be in  groups of 3 or 2. My group won and as the price we got chocolate. It was a good experience to have. I love today so much. ( on Thursday. )

Thursday was one of the best school days I have ever had.
This is us having chop suey!

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