Friday, July 9, 2021

Build With Bees Slide

 term 2 week 9 

                                                                 Build with bees slide

Build with bees is making a garden with bee hives and lots of flowers for the bees to collect the pollen from the flowers then they take the pollen to the hive and turn it into honey. If you get an empty bottle then you can collect the honey and have a bottle of honey. When the bees are getting the pollen from the middle of the flower it is called something like beez pollination or something that has to do with vibration. The bees vibrate when they are picking up the pollen. Bees are important to the world because they take the pollen it falls off the bee and then it drops onto the ground then spreads to other plants and then makes new plants witch help us to stay alive. That is how important bees are to us and the world, we need them to stay alive.

Marejke:):):):) BEES ARE awesome!!!!!!! 

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