Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Back to school, in term 3!

27.7.21 Term 3 week 1                    

                                         Back to school!

Welcome back to my blog! This is about going back to school. I hope you enjoy reading it!

The 2 week holidays went by really fast. I could not wait for the school holidays to start at the end of term 2, and now it is already term 3 and we are back at school. "My holidays were great, and for me the best part was, having 2 sleepovers in the school holidays and a couple of play dates." I say to my friends they tell me theirs and here I am at school building up on confidence. We are learning about statistics, and our main focus value for this term is, Collaborative. We are doing graphs=identifying data, identifying the graph e.c.t.                             

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