Friday, August 27, 2021

Nachos Aroma

 term 3   week 5    27.8.21

                                       The nachos aroma

Do you like nachos? Have you ever had nachos? What is your favourite topping to put on your nachos? What is your favourite type of nacho chips? What do you like to put on your nachos?

We are learning how to write a descriptive piece of writing using describing words with the picture given to us. We are able to work independently on a certain topic and create a delightful text using what we are thinking. With this creation we then post it on our blog with some questions along side (or at least I do). For a finishing touch we give our creation a title. 

1 comment:

  1. Now I want to have nachos, too! You make them sound so delicious. What fun you are having writing these memes, and we are having fun reading them.
