Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Halloween room decoration ideas

 I really want to decorate my room for Halloween and here are my ideas.

Real spider webs and spiders(I already have real spider webs and spiders in my room)

Fake spider webs and spiders

Trick or treat signs


Vampire, Ghost, Witch and person with fake blood and very VERY pale skin(white make up and fake blood on the face, neck and other body parts e.g. hands and arms.

Orange and black bed

fake pumpkin full with lollies

pumpkin pictures and stickers

orange and black striped walls.

Some of these thing I can't have or get. (sad face)


  1. Hi Marejke , that's very cool and creative ideas I've passed your house a few times when we go on walks. Question : do you go trick or treating ?? if you do how much candy do you get ?? 🤩🤗 sad face you can't get all of them 🎃 bye

  2. LOTS! My mum had a great idea that instead of just going to house to house we would go room to room! (trick or treating at one house but different rooms!!)
