Tuesday, October 19, 2021

My one topic holiday recount.

 Here is my one topic holiday recount. We were only aloud one topic to pick from and write about it for our "story" So here it is. I hope you like it.

   On Sunday my family and I went to the beach. Muriwai was cold and NOT SUNNY! I was mad before we came so I didn't take my togs even though I wanted to. I really wanted to go swimming but I obviously was not wearing any tog's so I just kept running in and out of the water. My sisters were there and my dad. My mum stayed at home and cleaned the bathroom while we were out. My sister Ingrid was there with her friend and her family with their dogs. I am kind of afraid of big dogs . . . . . . I was happy that they weren't staying right with us. I made a small sand castle, a water trapper, a collection of shells and I carved my name in the sand two times saying "Marejke was here 2021 '' with a smiley face as well. My sister Sophia made some Samoan looking patterns in the sand and carved in the sand "Stay strong stay safe." We were there for a while and it took about an hour to get there and two hours to get home. On the way back we stopped at a place called Juicy. I got a gelato with two scoops and I had - " Smurf and salted caramel "  I really enjoyed that day after being so stuck at home I was glad to go to the beach even if I couldn't go swimming. I was happy to leave the house and have LOTS of fresh air. I am so hoping that we get out of lockdown before HALLOWEEN though. Also at the beach there were lots of surfers and just people in general.

We are learning to write paragraphs and long texts to interest the reader. We are learning to use describing words and adjectives and verbs to make the reader be able to picture what we have written in the story in their head. Do you think you could make one? What would you write it on? Who would be in it? Where did you go or where are the places that the people go to and what are the places?

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