Monday, December 6, 2021

Maths Bedmas.

 Here is my bedmas, I found it a bit challenging but I finished all 10. 

BEDMAS stands for
Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition and subtraction.

I hope this can help you with your maths and/or your bedmas. Remember to start with (brackets):)

I am sorry I don't have much to say.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Maths Algebra solvemoji

 Here is my solvemoji/algebra. I still found it hard so you might find some things with no answer.! I hope that this might make it more easy to do algebra and solvemoji. I think that I still need to stick with easy algebra and stuff like maths that is a little hard for me now.

Maths Multiplication grid

Here is my maths for the multiplication grid. If you need help with times tables up to 12 then here is your help! You can use this as examples, help with your work and you can show/teach others their times tables.


Friday, November 19, 2021

Reading slides

 Here are my reading slides on different strategies for reading. I hope you might find it easier to write and do reading related things with these slides.  

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Maths slides

Here are my slides for my maths symmetry pictures. I hope you like my choices for the second one witch I had to pick. The first one was set and I did the right hand side one.
We have been learning to make shapes and line them up with symmetry and use specific shapes to make specific things. If you had to do symmetry what shapes, lines, drawings and more would you use? Would you use colours to make your symmetry or something else? Would you draw to make symmetry? Well here are some online ideas with shapes. Maybe you can get some ideas.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Five getting big not so small anymore. . . DUCKLINGS!

 Hi guys! Today for this blog I am talking about the five big ducklings! Well this is sad but there used to be 7 but now there are only 5.  I expect that most of the predators would come out at night a take/kill/eat one of the ducklings like the pukeko here is a picture of one with A TINY DUCKLING IN IT'S BEAK!

The pukeko holds the ducklings in their beak by the ducklings neck! It is so sad! I cried because 3 PUKEKOS TOOK 3 DUCKLINGS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I hate pukekos so much!

I just want to let you guys know how much pukekos are aggressive and don't care about the tiny and any other smallish size of DUCKLINGS! Any way back to the topic, The five ducklings have now gotten their big duck feathers and almost look like their mum! They are getting so big! If only all of you guys reading this would be able to see them! 
Here are some tips on how to become a duck/duckling friend!=

Feed them enough so that they visit you more often. Make sure that you don't hurt them. Approach them slowly and quietly while crouching a tiny bit so that your knees are bent and your back is facing upwards. Put one hand out and say "its ok we or I won't hurt you and your ducklings" Then make sure to give them some space when they need it and also give them water. Try and protect them from pukekos and daddy ducks when you are able to. Once you become good friends you can't let them come close to you and let them eat out of your hand and DON'T FORGET THEIR MOTHER!!!

How to adopt a duckling= You scoop it up with your two hands and try and make sure your hands stay still and give the duckling a little hole for its head and neck, not to tight and not to loose so that is can't escape. Put it somewhere safe where predators can't get it like pets and other birds and animals. Try and feed it healthy things like= soggy oats, chopped into tiny pieces of carrot, capsicum and grapes. Don't forget to let it run, swim, eat and drink! Also give it baths to make it nice and clean. And make sure to keep it safe especially if you have a cat or a dog! 

My writing jamboard

Here is my jamboard based on a time when I was respectful during school time. I got a little cattchy rythym tiype thing on my sticky notes.  

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Halloween room decoration ideas

 I really want to decorate my room for Halloween and here are my ideas.

Real spider webs and spiders(I already have real spider webs and spiders in my room)

Fake spider webs and spiders

Trick or treat signs


Vampire, Ghost, Witch and person with fake blood and very VERY pale skin(white make up and fake blood on the face, neck and other body parts e.g. hands and arms.

Orange and black bed

fake pumpkin full with lollies

pumpkin pictures and stickers

orange and black striped walls.

Some of these thing I can't have or get. (sad face)

My one topic holiday recount.

 Here is my one topic holiday recount. We were only aloud one topic to pick from and write about it for our "story" So here it is. I hope you like it.

   On Sunday my family and I went to the beach. Muriwai was cold and NOT SUNNY! I was mad before we came so I didn't take my togs even though I wanted to. I really wanted to go swimming but I obviously was not wearing any tog's so I just kept running in and out of the water. My sisters were there and my dad. My mum stayed at home and cleaned the bathroom while we were out. My sister Ingrid was there with her friend and her family with their dogs. I am kind of afraid of big dogs . . . . . . I was happy that they weren't staying right with us. I made a small sand castle, a water trapper, a collection of shells and I carved my name in the sand two times saying "Marejke was here 2021 '' with a smiley face as well. My sister Sophia made some Samoan looking patterns in the sand and carved in the sand "Stay strong stay safe." We were there for a while and it took about an hour to get there and two hours to get home. On the way back we stopped at a place called Juicy. I got a gelato with two scoops and I had - " Smurf and salted caramel "  I really enjoyed that day after being so stuck at home I was glad to go to the beach even if I couldn't go swimming. I was happy to leave the house and have LOTS of fresh air. I am so hoping that we get out of lockdown before HALLOWEEN though. Also at the beach there were lots of surfers and just people in general.

We are learning to write paragraphs and long texts to interest the reader. We are learning to use describing words and adjectives and verbs to make the reader be able to picture what we have written in the story in their head. Do you think you could make one? What would you write it on? Who would be in it? Where did you go or where are the places that the people go to and what are the places?

Maths symmetry work.

 Here is my symmetry pictures, we are doing symmetry for Math. I found it a little hard but was able to complete it on Tuesday the second day back at school in term 4! 

The white lines were the ones that I had to reflect off. We are learning to use symmetry to help with reflections with shapes and pictures and lines to make double the picture of what you first have to use.

Do you think you could make one? Do you think you could instead of on Geoboard online set, do you think you could use a pen and paper or, an actual board ect? Do you know what the opposite of symmetry is?

Here is the link to geoboard site.=

Monday, September 27, 2021

Chinese language week

Chinese language week

I made a new version of my Chinese zodiac.

I picked my favourite flower and this is it's "personality" It is fierce and protective. Brave and beautiful. That is my flower.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Cookie Dough recipe

 term 3 week 9     24.9.21

                                      Cookie Dough Recipe

Here is a recipe on how to make edible cookie dough. I hope you understand it! And have fun making it!

1. Ingredients-

2.flour (of your choice)
3.Chocolate chips/drops/bars chopped up ect.
4.Vanilla essence
6.sugar (of your choice I used brown sugar though.)

2.Tools/cooking supplies-

3.measuring tools if needed


1.Gather all ingredients and cooking supplies
2.get your bowl and flower and pour a little bit of flour in so that it you can't see the bottom of the bowl
3.put in the butter about one or two big spoon fulls
4.mix until the butter is mixed in so no big clumps of butter small clumps are okay
5.add in the vanilla essence about three drops
6.mix that until it goes a light brown colour
7.then add the chocolate about 1/2 of a cup of chocolate of whatever you are using
8.Add in the milk and mix till looks like your preference
9.Then Enjoy!

We are learning to make and share recipes that we have made or done or share food we have cooked made and more. And do independently or with someone from our bubble.

Bed stop-motion

 term 3      week 9     24.9.21

                                Bed stop-motion

Here is my stop-motion of my bed getting made by itself. I hope you like it! P.S. it is very short.

We are learning to make stop-motion "movies" using the stop-motion app. We are able to do it by our self and with someone in our bubble. We can do it efficiently with the help of our family or by the help of our self.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Lego friends stop-motion movie

 term 3 week 9   20.9.21

                          Lego Friends Stop-Motion Movie

Here is my stop-motion!

 We are learning to do stop-motion using what we can find, use and build. I hope you enjoy watching it like how I enjoyed making it!!!!!!!

Here is my story board hope you like it!

Sorry if you can't really read it. It was on a small text size! P.S. there are lots of Mias so that is why it is like---Mias!

I didn't add any pictures because I couldn't really and I didn't have any to add.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

The menu decisions made by my family

 term 3 week 8   16.9.21

                       The menu decisions made by my family

At the start of the week my family and I gave a suggestion on making a menu. We said yes and so far it is going really well. Tomorrow I am making tacos, with 2 desserts! I am going to need a little help with the meat and taco shells and wraps in the oven. I will have-taco shell and wraps, mince, cheese, beans, salsa, avocado, onion, carrot, cucumber and capsicum. Some of the people in my family like to put tomato's and maybe even olives! I can't wait it is going to be so fun! 

Monday, September 13, 2021

During lockdown I became...

 term 3 week 8   13.9.21


                              During lockdown I became... 

Saturday, September 11, 2021


 term 3 week 7 11.9.21 

                                                 Lava cake

Here is a picture of my lava cake with some ice cream!


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Disconnect-ed day

 Term 3        week 7        7.8.21

                                    My tree house plan(drawing)

And my dream backyard made out of Lego. 


Friday, September 3, 2021

Fathers day

 term 3 week 6 3.9.21

                                        Fathers day

For fathers day I am doing a menu, breakfast in bed, a card, a poem and something handmade. This is what  the menu will have-left side-Food, meals, sides, breakfasts, lunches, dinners and desserts. Right side-Drinks, cold drinks hot drinks, normal temperature for water and other drinks ect. Inside the card that I am going to make is going to be a poem. I am going to make something handmade for the present BUT I am not going to say what it is yet. My sister did want to get my dad a new couch but because we are in lockdown we can't. I hope that this fathers day goes really well! 



Thursday, September 2, 2021

 term 3 week 6 2.9.21

                    My book that I created for school

My cover for the book

My lockdown writing

 term 3 week 6 1.9.21

                                My lockdown writing

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

My Achievements

 term 3   week 5     27.8.21

                               My Achievements 

My achievements are becoming more confident, I now have 22 blog posts and I am getting lots of work done. 

I am becoming more confident and I am feeling more comfortable talking in front of a big group or a class. I am able to say or do something in the amount of time in my liking in front of a large group or class. 

I have achieved getting to 22 blog posts and all are posted none are drafts. All of my blog posts are relevant to school work or a task I have done for school. It is hard work but it gets done in the end.

I am getting lots of work done during lockdown and that shows very good progression and means I am getting more done than expected to. It takes time to finish all my work but by the end of the day I am finished my tasks and all the other things I needed to do. Then I am prepared and able for the next day.

We are learning to work independently and staying focused to achieve our goals and finish all our work then as a reward we play games but because we are in lockdown we have to do everything online. We can't play any games or go outside and find like leaves for an activity that we do at school because we are not aloud to go to school.


 term 3 week 6 1.9.21 

                                        Marble run

Here is my marble run with a marble ball holder! We are learning how to spend a day not on a screen and creating things for fun! We can work independently or with our bubble/family on these tasks.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

My creamy hot chocolate

term 3 week 6 31.8.21

                                My creamy hot chocolate

Friday, August 27, 2021


 term 3    week 5     27.8.21


Little red riding hood

 term 3     week  5      27.8.21

                                     Little red riding hood

#memes 2 memes

 term 3   week 5    27.8.21

                    #What do u 2 meme.Memes        2 memes

We are doing some meme text making. We are given a picture and we make the text for it. We are able to work independently for this task and using our ideas to create a meme that might be used on our news. Do you like memes? Do you think they are funny? What is/are your favourite meme/memes? We know what to do even if we are not at school.

Nachos Aroma

 term 3   week 5    27.8.21

                                       The nachos aroma

Do you like nachos? Have you ever had nachos? What is your favourite topping to put on your nachos? What is your favourite type of nacho chips? What do you like to put on your nachos?

We are learning how to write a descriptive piece of writing using describing words with the picture given to us. We are able to work independently on a certain topic and create a delightful text using what we are thinking. With this creation we then post it on our blog with some questions along side (or at least I do). For a finishing touch we give our creation a title. 

Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Best Smelling Popcorn Ever!!!

 term 3   week 5   26.8.21

      Here is My Descriptive writing about Popcorn...

Today we are learning about using our senses to describe something AND Using descriptive         language. We are also learning to write a paragraph or some sentences to describe a picture given to us. We are able to cope while doing our work. We have learnt how to describe pictures by telling and some of us are still learning how to show it not tell it. Like me I'm still not quite there but I'm working on it! Hopefully it doesn't take a long time to fully understand the show don't tell for others!

Memes P.J. boy

 term 3 week 5 26.8.21

Here is my meme on the P.J. boy.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Little Red Ridding Hood

 term 3 week 5 25.8.21 

here is my Little Red Ridding Hood writing.

Back to school, in term 3!

27.7.21 Term 3 week 1                    

                                         Back to school!

Welcome back to my blog! This is about going back to school. I hope you enjoy reading it!

The 2 week holidays went by really fast. I could not wait for the school holidays to start at the end of term 2, and now it is already term 3 and we are back at school. "My holidays were great, and for me the best part was, having 2 sleepovers in the school holidays and a couple of play dates." I say to my friends they tell me theirs and here I am at school building up on confidence. We are learning about statistics, and our main focus value for this term is, Collaborative. We are doing graphs=identifying data, identifying the graph e.c.t.                             

Term 2

 9.7.21 last week of term two Friday.

                                                      Term 2 last day!!


It is finally the last day of term and we are having a p.j. day!! We are also doing a sheared lunch it is so embarrassing though because room's 11,12 and 13 are all in p.j.'s and the rest of the school isn't. Term 2 was just felt like 1 day. I can't wait tell term 3! 

At school we are watching the Olympics!

 term 3 week 1 30.7.21 

                                                 The Olympics 

Today we are watching the Olympics at school! We have been watching the artistic gymnastics, swimming and rowing.-(the ones.) In the Artistic gymnastics they would have used Maths.- timing, planning- drawing out what they are doing-

Swimming started off with the 1st,2nd and 3rd. Next was the 200m breaststroke women's, heat 1 and heat 2. then there was rowing highlights. Here are a couple of words that I like that they said, "Good teams", "nice landing", "I liked the way you did that spin", "good team work!". They did amazing collaboration.                        

Picture and prompt.

term 3 week 5 25.8.21

This is my paragraph on the picture of a Olympic diver.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Goldilocks slide

 23.8.21 term 3 week 4

                                                         Goldilocks and the three bears.

Friday, July 30, 2021

My holiday.

 Term 3 week 1 29.7.21

                                         My Holiday.

Part 1-                          

My holiday was so fun. I watched Black Widow, played mega laser tag, had 2 sleepovers, and a couple of play dates. I watched/ am watching the Olympics. My first sleepover in the school holidays was with one of my friends Anna, who is in room 11, my second one was with my other friend Lucija, who is in room 13. I had a play date with James, and some of my cousins. I also was gardening with my mum, next to the driveway. I read lots of books, meanwhile my main interest was playing MARIO KART NINTENDO 64! I played so many times in one day (I’m pretty sure it was like 10 times a day!) I played it with my sister and I kept losing. The movie Black Widow was really good but there was one gross part where the main character breaks her nose and then puts it back together. I also watched a movie called “Onward.” It was really cool. I had lots of pizza with 2 sisters who are now teenagers. That all happened during the school holidays. My sister Sophia who is now 13 and is in year 8. She is now my second teenager! My other sister Ingrid is 15 turning 16 this year! The last day of school holidays was really boring though. One of the books that I read was really cool. It was about a girl who loses her friend and writes a really cool comic, then gets her friend back. I also slept up in my lounge for like 3 nights during the school holidays. My sister Sophia got 2 parties in 1 day though, It isn’t 


In the movie “Onward” that I watched during the school holidays, it was about these two brother’s who go on a journey/quest, and have to fight a dragon. It is also the younger brother's birthday and he struggles to ask his classmates out to come over to his house for the party. He also wants to learn to drive, when he is to nerves and completes his checklist. He is very proud of himself at the end of the movie. I was eating most of the popcorn that was in the bowl. On Saturday I was watching a movie with my friend Lucija, called, “Tall Girl.” and it is about a girl when she was 3 she had reached 4 feet. And everybody says “how’s the weather up there?” to her and she has a friend who stands up for her, but then she decides to no longer be her friend.

I went swimming during the holidays in the first week. It was really fun, it was only for like 1 and a half hours.


Friday, July 9, 2021

Build With Bees Slide

 term 2 week 9 

                                                                 Build with bees slide

Build with bees is making a garden with bee hives and lots of flowers for the bees to collect the pollen from the flowers then they take the pollen to the hive and turn it into honey. If you get an empty bottle then you can collect the honey and have a bottle of honey. When the bees are getting the pollen from the middle of the flower it is called something like beez pollination or something that has to do with vibration. The bees vibrate when they are picking up the pollen. Bees are important to the world because they take the pollen it falls off the bee and then it drops onto the ground then spreads to other plants and then makes new plants witch help us to stay alive. That is how important bees are to us and the world, we need them to stay alive.

Marejke:):):):) BEES ARE awesome!!!!!!! 

Thursday, July 1, 2021


 1.7.21 week 8 Topic disco

                                    Disco. . . Tips, facts and story

The disco. Disco's are usually held at schools for a fun dance. Some schools have balls, some have dances(e.g."Will you go to the dance with me?") But I think that the disco is better. I think that disco's are better because 

Disco’s are fun when you're with your friends, people go to have fun, do activities, listen to the music, DANCE, eat some lollies and drink water/fizzy. I personally think that disco’s are funner at my school because you can buy things when you need to like water. When you dance you get so sweaty, hot, like you really need water and like you want to go outside. When you go inside you’r all like oh man I’m going to embarrass myself!!! Just stay calm, dance off all your energy before you go to bed by dancing at the disco. People think that having a big dance off before bed is bad but actually it tiers you out so then you get to sleep faster. When you are with friends you have someone to talk to
points on disco's
1.You get really hot and sweaty.
2.Bring your money to be able to buy things, like water.
3.The music is really loud.
4.If you're a senor then you stay up late!!! (if your bedtime is 8:30/ or before 8:30)
5.Some people will join in with the comp's (like limbo,dance comp,(boy vs Girls)
6.When it's time to leave you don't want to go. can do trains with lots of people on the back of you.

Tips on the disco, BRING your money, bring short clothes(g.-dress,b.-shorts and a t-shirt.), don't come if you have ears that can't handle loud noises, if your not aloud to stay up late go with a friend and be cheeky by staying up late!!

I personally think that having a friend who's dad is friend's with the d.j. is pretty cool!!!!!!!!
(Facts are in the tips.)


Thursday, June 17, 2021



This lovely tasting food wipes against my tongue then I taste the sweet, blandesh, burnt cocoa bean pieces that they would have burnt when cooking. This wonderful treat is made with burnt cocoa bean, rice and melted chocolate as a liquidy taste. I look at this delicious Samoan treat, it looks brown, chocolatey and has pieces of rice scattered all over the place in the little cup. The taste was amazing but after a while it started tasting blandish then very  sweet and then it started tasting the burnt cocoa in my mouth. It was amazing, mouth watering, I wanted to keep eating it but I didn’t. On Friday it was Samoan language week there was a chief who was talking about the culture and the tattoos that are painful and very expensive but it is cultural and traditional he showed us the Samoan chief staff and the thing that looks like a flie scwater but a waver made with coconut shell pieces, we sang the Samoan national anthom.  This performance was impressive if you don’t know what I mean when the talking chief was using the staff and the flie scwater thing. The national nthom was quite challenging but fun. This lovely tasting food wipes against my tongue then I taste the sweet, blandesh, burnt cocoa bean pieces that they would have burnt when cooking. This wonderful treat is made with burnt cocoa bean, rice and melted chocolate as a liquidy taste. I look at this delicious Samoan treat, it looks brown, chocolatey and has pieces of rice scattered all over the place in the little cup. The taste was amazing but after a while it started tasting blandish then very sweet and then it started tasting the burnt cocoa in my mouth. It was amazing, mouth watering, I wanted to keep eating it but I didn’t. On Friday it was Samoan language week there was a chief who was talking about the culture and the tattoos that are painful and very expensive but it is cultural and traditional he showed us the Samoan chief staff and the thing that looks like a flie scwater but a waver made with coconut shell pieces, we sang the Samoan national anthom.  This performance was impressive if you don’t know what I mean when the talking chief was using the staff and the flie scwater thing. The national anthom was quite challenging but fun. The performance was amazingly performed and everything was very interesting and an attention attraction. That day when I got home I said almost everything that happened. It took a very long time to decide if I wanted to have Koko Alisa or PaneKeke. 


Monday, June 14, 2021

Chop Suey

 14.6.21 Week 7 - Monday 14th June


On Thursday we had a cooking experience with one of my friends' dad. We made chop suey. Chop Suey is made out of chicken, noodles, soy sauces, frozen veggies, onion, garlic,rice time, oregeno and spinach. Also some other sauce as well. The sauces were oyster sauce, ABC sauce, sesame sauce, and a dark black soy sauce with a not so dark sauce.
It was so delicious that I wanted to keep eating it! I also really wanted to have seconds and seconds and so on and so on . . .  (ect):)
It took about more than 1 hour and a half. I had to mix it, smell it, feel the noodles, feel the rice and eat the food but wait this was my experience on how long it took. . . 
It took about more than 1 hour and a half. I had to mix it, smell it, feel the noodles, feel the rice and eat the food but this didn’t take like 5 mins like it felt it did because we were all having fun. This was a day to remember for a lifetime because it was a fun time. After that I even wanted the recipe for chop Seuy, but I decided that I wouldn’t get it. Then we did a quiz and we all had to be in  groups of 3 or 2. My group won and as the price we got chocolate. It was a good experience to have. I love today so much. ( on Thursday. )

Thursday was one of the best school days I have ever had.
This is us having chop suey!

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Welcome To My First Blog 👍

 Term 2 Week 5 Wednesday 9th June

Welcome To My First Blog!

Hello guys, this is my first blog. I’m excited to share some of the things I like to do. Well first things first, my name is Marejke, I like to play games, do art and go swimming. This is one of the names of my favourite book, “ Ringlet and the day the ocean stopped.” I have lots of friends and it’s fun when we play cheat on the playground together I like to  go to parties, have parties and I also love going to the movies with friends and family. That is all you need to know about me. I will be happy to here some lovely comments from you all!  Thank you so much for reading this! --Marejke. :)